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Spotting Signs of Abuse

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Child abuse is when anyone under the age of 18 is either being harmed or not properly looked after. Abuse can take many different forms, meaning it can sometimes be difficult to spot. To learn about the different types of abuse, visit the NSPCC website.

It’s not always easy for children to talk to someone if they’re being abused, and sometimes they might not even realise that they are experiencing abuse. If you notice a concerning change in a child’s behaviour, don’t ignore it.

Signs of abuse

Common signs of abuse, according to NSPCC, include:

  • unexplained changes in behaviour or personality
  • becoming withdrawn
  • seeming anxious
  • becoming uncharacteristically aggressive
  • lacks social skills and has few friends, if any
  • poor bond or relationship with a parent
  • knowledge of adult issues inappropriate for their age
  • running away or going missing
  • always choosing to wear clothes which cover their body
sad teenager with parent