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Birmingham Family Hubs Parenting Offer – free courses for parents/carers!

Birmingham Family Hubs Parenting Offer – free courses for parents/carers!

We offer bespoke Child Protection and Safeguarding Arrangements training for faith spaces – find out more!

We offer bespoke Child Protection and Safeguarding Arrangements training for faith spaces – find out more!

Watch our latest LCSPR webinar

“I was too frightened to tell anyone”: Recognising and responding to allegations of Physical Child Abuse

Watch our latest LCSPR webinar

“I was too frightened to tell anyone”: Recognising and responding to allegations of Physical Child Abuse

Enrol now: Our NEW Neglect Foundations E-Learning

Enrol now: Our NEW Neglect Foundations E-Learning

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Sign up to our Safeguarding Newsletter

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

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Our quarterly newsletter is packed with safeguarding news, resources, and important insights from a range of contributors across multi-agency organisations.


Latest News

1 August 2024

April’s Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly: Safeguarding Children from Domestic Abuse

April’s Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly focused on safeguarding children from domestic abuse. Councillor Nicky Brennan (Birmingham City Council) outlined the aims […]

Learning from Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Since June, Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership has published two Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. Serious Youth Violence – Breaking the […]

Farewell to our Independent Chair, Penny Thompson CBE

In September, the new chairing arrangements for Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership as outlined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 […]
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