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Practitioners’ Forum

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

An open invitation from Penny Thompson CBE, and BSCP, to frontline practitioners.

  • Are you someone whose role involves working with children and young people?
  • Do you have views on how we can improve frontline practice to make children safer?
  • Are you interested in contributing to change?
  • Are you interested in sharing with us how it is day-to-day for you and your colleagues?
  • Could you be part of our action research and quality assurance systems?

The Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership invites frontline practitioners across all Birmingham agencies to join our Practitioners’ Forum.

We want to be able to meet and talk regularly to frontline practitioners. To hear about practice, what’s good, what’s a barrier, what support is available or needed as well as to contribute to, comment on and test out new developments and improvements. In effect, it’s a focus group.

How do I sign up?

If you would like to become a member of the Practitioners’ Forum please email us.

The forum meets on a quarterly basis, the forthcoming dates are:

  • Wednesday 25th September 2024
  • Wednesday 4th December 2024