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Reports & Publications

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Expand the below categories to learn about and download our current reports and publications.

There is a requirement to publish a yearly report in September each year. The annual report sets out progress in the first year of the Business Improvement Plan 2023-25.

Read the Annual Report 2023/24

There is a requirement for Lead Safeguarding Partners to set the strategic vision, shared priorities, and culture of the local safeguarding arrangements.

The Business Improvement Plan 2023-25 sets out four strategic priorities and key actions to be undertaken during the two year period.

Read the Business Improvement Plan 2023-25

‘Birmingham Neglect Strategy 2022-26: Working Together to Build Strong Family Foundations’ sets out how agencies are working collaboratively to tackle childhood neglect in the city, with a focus on early identification and intervention.

Read the Birmingham Neglect Strategy 2022-26

Download the One-page Summary

Alongside the Strategy, a Neglect Toolkit was created to support practitioners at all levels to work with children, young people and families at risk of neglect.

The Governance Arrangements provides a detailed summary of the structure of the BSCP and the strategic accountability, governance, and chairing arrangements.

Lead Safeguarding Partners are required to publish the Governance Arrangements and update them when there are significant changes.

Read the Governance Arrangements