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Further Reading and Resources

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

The below information is taken from GOVUK guidance on Reducing Parental Conflict.

It can be difficult to identify parental conflict as often the focus is on a child’s behaviour and the quality of parent-child relationships.

To help start a conversation about healthy relationships when working with parents, it can be useful context to understand how to measure the impact of parental conflict.

  • Parental Relationships Spectrum
    The tool helps to differentiate between Parental conflict and Domestic Abuse but seek advice and guidance from a Manager where needed.
  • See It Differently
    When we argue with our partner or ex-partner, we can get caught up in the heat of the moment. At times like these, it’s difficult to find a way forward. We want to help you see things differently and do things differently. See 5 case studies from different ‘familiar’ family situations (Chloe’s family features separated parents)
  • Reducing Parental Conflict: training and tools for practitioners and their managers
    Training and tools to help practitioners and their managers discuss parental conflict.
  • Resources for Assessing Harmful Conflict
    Tools and guidance from CAFCASS.
  • Parental Conflict Toolkit
    Created by the Race Equality Foundation, this toolkit is the first of its kind in explaining how culture influences non-violent conflict, particularly in relation to harder-to-reach groups like those from ethnic minority backgrounds, fathers and LGBTQ+ parents.
  • RPC Good Practice Guide – Supporting Healthy Parental Relationships
    RPC Good Practice Guide – Supporting Healthy Parental Relationships (Accessible version)
    Created by the Department for Work and Pensions, this tool supports champions in the drive to reduce parental conflict. The document is divided into 12 sections covering a range of different aspects to raise the profile of healthy relationships at all levels of provision.
  • The Little Book of Relationship Care
    Created by Amity, this book is a practical and reflective guide designed to help people understand why they argue and how they can reconnect and navigate their arguments in a more constructive way. The guide complements practical support perfectly, allowing couples to remind themselves of what they’ve learnt during difficult or stressful times.
  • Further Amity resources:
    Amity Next Time: Parenting Together
    A quick and easy self-help resource packed with practical problem-solving ideas to improve communication between couples.
    Amity Next Time: Parenting Apart
    A quick and easy self-help resource packed with practical problem-solving ideas to improve communication between separated parents.
  • Supporting Healthy Parental Relationships​ Good Practice Guide
    A tool to support champions in the drive to reduce parental conflict compiled through individual and group discussions with RPC practitioners and strategic leads across the country. It aims to give ideas on the planning, delivery, and evaluation of services supporting families to achieve healthy, stronger relationships, both together and apart, for the benefits of their children. It gives examples of what’s worked, as well as useful sources of information for further help for specific areas. Download the accessible version.

Visit the Parents and Carers Relationship Matters page for additional resources that can support you in your practice.

  • ANAWIM – 0121 440 5296 / 228 Mary St, Balsall Heath, Birmingham B12 9RJ
    Woman only face to face drop-in from Mon to Fri 10am till 2pm offering practical and emotional Domestic Abuse support
  • Birmingham & Solihull Womens Aid – 0808 800 0028
    Domestic Abuse advice for all women in Birmingham.
  • W.A.I.T.S – 0121 440 1443
    Domestic Abuse advice & support for all women in Birmingham
  • ROSHNI – 0800 953 9666
    Domestic Abuse support for South Asian women from the following countries:  Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other South Asian countries Tibet, Mauritius, Myanmar, Iran and Burma.
  • BHAROSA – 0121 303 0368 / 0121 303 0359
    Domestic Abuse service for ethnic minority women (particularly those from a South Asian background) living in Birmingham.
  • Birmingham LGBT – 0121 643 0821
  • Rape & Sexual Violence Project – 0121 643 0301
  • Black Country Womens Aid – Advice line 0121 553 0090 or 24/7 Helpline 0121 552 6448
    Stalking & Harassment and other related support for women in the Black Country, Birmingham & Solihull

National Helplines

  • REFUGE National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 (available 24/7)
  • GALOP National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
  • The Men’s Advice Line  – 0808 801 0327
  • Paladin Stalking Support & Advocacy – 020 3866 4107
  • NCDV Free and Fast Emergency Injunctions – 0800 907 2070 / text NCDV to 60777

If you are a Practitioner who is in a role supporting Parents in Birmingham who are impacted by Parental Conflict or a Community or Faith Leader who is curious to find out more about Parental Conflict then please email for further information.