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Our Structure

The Executive Board provides strategic oversight of the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, co-ordinating safeguarding services and evaluating the effectiveness of partnership working. The Executive Board is chaired by an Independent Chair, appointed by the Safeguarding Partners.

The Executive Board meets bi-monthly to provide strategic direction, challenge and oversight on implementation of the priorities set out in the Business Improvement Plan 2023/25. The three nominated representatives of the Safeguarding Partners are all members of the Executive
Board along with representatives from the Safeguarding Partners who are responsible for leading the Partnership’s Sub-Groups. An elected member of Birmingham City Council will act as a participant observer.

List of BSCP Board Members

The Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly meets twice-yearly, bringing together Chief Executives, Chief Officers and Strategic Safeguarding Leaders from Safeguarding Partners and all ‘relevant agencies’ to share good practice, discuss emerging safeguarding challenges and agree a collective way forward and importantly to evaluate progress on implementation of the shared priorities set out in the Business Improvement Plan.

The Key Principles of the Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly are:

  • Effective Partnership Working: Committed to effective collaborative partnership working which delivers the best possible protection of children and young people in Birmingham.
  • Focus on the Family: Supporting families to enable their children to flourish and learn in preparation for a long, productive, happy, life.
  • Committed to Early Help: Recognising that those with economic, health and other disadvantages will need additional support to achieve the same outcomes as their peers.
  • Promotion of a Learning Culture: Operating as a learning system; open and ambitious to improve.

Following each assembly, a bulletin is produced to capture the discussion. You can download a copy of the bulletin and presentation below:




