April’s Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly: Safeguarding Children from Domestic Abuse
April’s Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly focused on safeguarding children from domestic abuse.
Councillor Nicky Brennan (Birmingham City Council) outlined the aims of the Domestic Abuse Local Strategic Partnership Board and the development of the Domestic Abuse Prevention Strategy. Councillor Brennan also referenced the economic difficulties facing Birmingham City Council, which has unfortunately had an impact on certain service areas. However, she reassured delegates that domestic abuse remains a key priority and reinforced that the Partnership Strategy is focused on what can be achieved with the resources available.
Jessica Privilege (Domestic Abuse Commissioner’s Officer) highlighted the importance of recognising children as victims, as they see, hear, and experience the effects of domestic abuse. The Commissioner’s Office has identified the need to mend the ‘patchwork of provision’ of support across the country; only 28% of people who wanted their children to receive support were able to get it in the West Midlands. The Commissioner is looking to publish a report on ‘Children as Victims of Domestic Abuse’ in Autumn 2024.
We also watched ‘Timekeeper’, a short film depicting coercive control, informed by the lived experience of women affected by domestic abuse.
It was a powerful reminder of what children and families affected by domestic abuse experience, and how practitioners spotting the signs that something isn’t right can make a huge difference.
Graham Tilby (Assistant Director of Safeguarding Partnerships, Birmingham Children’s Trust) focused on the values, principles and desired outcomes of the new Domestic Abuse Prevention Strategy. DCI Lucy Wilson and Regional MARAC Lead, Laura Rogers, highlighted the key challenges, performance, and developments in managing risk, MARAC and responding to increased demand over the past five years. This was followed by a talk from Nikki Plummer, Birmingham Children’s Trust, on Operation Encompass and the sharing of vital information between the police and schools about child victims of domestic abuse. Delegates then participated in a facilitated group work examining how we embed the values and principles within our organisations and as partnership/whole system, and how we as system leaders work better together to support victims of domestic abuse in the context of reducing resources.
Download the PowerPoint slides from the Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly