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Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly Resources

25th April 2024

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Download the resources from the Safeguarding Leaders’ Assembly below. We have also included the ‘Timekeeper’ video.

SLA PowerPoint Presentation – April 2024

  • Welcoming Address – Penny Thompson CBE, Independent Chair, Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership
  • Opening Remarks on behalf of the Domestic Abuse (DA) Strategic Partnership Board – Councillor Nicky Brennan, Birmingham City Council
  • Introduction to the Session – Graham Tilby, Birmingham Children’s Trust
  • Children as Victims of Domestic Abuse – Jessica Privilege, Geographic Lead, Practice and Partnerships Team, Domestic Abuse Commissioner’s Office
  • The Local Context – Outline of draft Domestic Abuse Prevention Strategy, Graham Tilby
  • MARAC and Operation Willowbay West Midlands Police Response to High Risk Domestic Abuse – DCI Lucy Wilson and Regional MARAC Lead, Laura Rogers
  • Operation Encompass – Nikki Plummer, Head of Service Domestic Abuse & Interpersonal Violence, Birmingham Children’s Trust