Our Exec Board goes Back to School!
Yesterday we held our Executive Board meeting at Adderley Primary School in Saltley. The day started with a tour of the school, led by some impressive Pupil Ambassadors, and a first aid demonstration by the School Nurse. This was followed by a PSHEC lesson which included a great discussion on staying safe online and the school’s rights-respecting curriculum, shaped by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. DCI Dez Lambert’s skills were even put to the test when he was asked to solve a Crime Scene Investigation! A big ‘thank you’ to Adderley Primary staff and pupils for hosting us, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
During the Executive Board, we delved into a wide range of topics. We were consulted on, and endorsed, the Tackling Exploitation of Children and Young People 2023-2026 Strategy and Delivery Plan, which is crucial in protecting vulnerable children and young people from harm. We also received an update on the progress of the revision of Right Help, Right Time threshold guidance, which will take into account Working Together 2023. When we publish the guidance we will also be launching a new e-learning module which will help reinforce the guidance. Our final update was regarding our Safeguarding in Faith Communities project, which we are pleased to announce will deliver new free safeguarding training for DSLs in faith spaces.
Hosting our Executive Board in the heart of communities is a powerful reminder of the families and practitioners who are at the centre of safeguarding. It’s inspiring to witness organisations take proactive steps to ensure that the children they care for are happy, healthy, and safe. Observing this first-hand, as we were able to yesterday, highlights the importance of our collective efforts as a partnership to ensure that Birmingham is a great place for every child to grow up in; a city where safeguarding is everybody’s business.