NEW CASS Request for Support form and Support website content is LIVE
New Trust web pages – Linking to support services for families
- From today (Wednesday 29 November 2023) professionals working with families and families themselves will be able to access new webpages on the Birmingham Children’s Trust website.
- These new pages pull together helpful links to a range of support services for children and their families – early help support, financial support, schools/education, domestic abuse, housing, adult and child mental health and other support organisations.
- The Early Help page will link to the Family Connect Form. Professionals supporting a family or the family themselves will be able to complete this form to ask for help from their local Early Help Locality Hub.
- Please share this information with other colleagues and any families you work with.
When you now click on the ‘REPORT A CONCERN OR REQUEST SUPPORT’ button on the top right of the Trust website you will be taken to a new page.
You then select if you are a family/carer/relative OR a professional. Depending on which button you press, you will be taken to one of the pages below. Links below.
New online Request for Support Form
- The new online Request for Support form (RFS) has also been launched today (29 November 2023).
- All requests for support by partner agencies to the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) will need to be made on this online form from today.
- Agencies will be able to attach relevant documents, screening tools or other assessments to this online RFS Form before it is submitted.
- Once submitted the referrer will then receive an automated email response, attached will be their RFS form in a PDF format and any copies of attachments submitted.
- There are also mandatory fields that must be completed within the online form.
- The link to the online RFS Form is found on the Birmingham Children’s Trust’s website and the Safeguarding Children’s Board website.
- The Request for Support form guidance page and direct link can be found below.
- The guidance page features top tips on how to complete the new form, and a tutorial video (that you can view below in this news article).
Please note: The Request for Support form is hosted on a separate website, and is no longer hosted on the Trust website.
Tutorial Video
Tutorial video
CASS has produced a helpful tutorial video with detailed guidance on how to complete the new online Request for Support Form.
View the video on Vimeo or watch below:
- You can view the NEW webpages and the NEW online Request for Support form and Family Connect Form on the Birmingham Children’s Trust website.
- Please click on the ‘Report a Concern or Request Support’ button in the right hand corner of the Trust website home page.
- You can also access the new online Request for Support Form via the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership website