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Our New Leadership, Co-Chairing and Independent Scrutiny Arrangements

Date: Tuesday, 17th Dec 2024 | Category: Uncategorised

In December 2023 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, was published, aimed at enhancing  strategic accountability and effectiveness of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding arrangements.  The guidance places a joint responsibility on Lead Safeguarding Partners (LSP) and Delegated Safeguarding Partners (DSP) roles, as well creating new Chairing and Independent Scrutiny arrangements, to replace the former Independent Chair role. The LSP are defined as the Chief Constable, Chief Executive for Integrated Care Board and Local Authority Chief Executive.

From 1st October 2024 James Thomas (CEO, Birmingham Children’s Trust) and Chief Superintendent Richard North (West Midlands Police) became the new Co-Chairs of the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership.

James Thomas (left) and Richard North (right)

James will be the standing Co-Chair, with the other DSP: Helen Kelly (NHS Birmingham and Solihull), Sue Harrison (Birmingham City Council) and Chief Superintendent Richard North (West Midlands Police, Co-Chairing on a six-month rotational basis, to demonstrate joined-up leadership and clear operational accountability for the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

The Delegated Safeguarding Leaders Group work collaboratively as a leadership team, meeting bi-monthly to set the strategic agenda and assist the Co-Chairs to discharge the below functions:

  • To develop strategic links, support and hold to account all LSP in fulfilling their safeguarding duties for children.
  • Ensure that local arrangements are designed to work collaboratively and effectively by encouraging and supporting the development of partnership working between the LSP, DSP, independent scrutiny role and MASA subgroups.
  • Chair the meetings of the DSP, including any additional meetings convened as a response to specific and exceptional circumstances, with the help of the business manager and independent scrutiny role.
  • Offer appropriate challenge to ensure that the partners are accountable, and that the local arrangements operate effectively.

We look forward to collaborating with our safeguarding partners under these new arrangements and welcome the continued support from all the multi-agency organisations we work with across the city.