Now available: Updated Right Help, Right Time guidance
The updated ‘Right Help, Right Time’ guidance will be.,m launched at our upcoming Practitioners’ Forum on Wednesday 4th December, and you will be able to download your own copy from the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership website. The guidance is essential for everyone who works with children, young people, and their families in Birmingham.
Right Help, Right Time advises what support is available to children and families, whatever their needs, and is our collective framework and practice guide on how all individuals, agencies, partners and practitioners can identify and support them to get the help that they need. We consulted extensively with front-line practitioners on what areas they would like included, we hope the new guidance is clearer and easier to use.
The key changes to the guidance for 2024 include:
- Enhanced guidance on Children who are Out of Sight and electively home-educated.
- More about children with Learning disability.
- A new section on when there is ‘No threshold decision to make’.
- We have expanded information on the Early Help system and making a referral to CASS.
- Content reflects the latest Working Together version.
- Improved clarity and readability throughout with refreshed images.
We hope you find the new guidance useful, please join us at the launch event at our next Practitioners’ Forum on Wednesday 4th December, 14:00 – 15:30. Sign up by emailing to attend and hear more about the changes. The revised guidance will be available to download from our Right Help, Right Time webpage.
A refreshed eLearning package will be available in January 2025.