BSCP Neglect Practice Week: Tackling Childhood Neglect in Birmingham
From the 22nd – 26th of April the BSCP will be hosting Neglect Practice Week; a week of free webinars and workshops looking at how you can help safeguard children from neglect. Available to all professionals and volunteers working with children and families in Birmingham.
“There has been so much great work going on in Birmingham to tackle childhood neglect, but the issue hasn’t gone away and we want to support practitioners to continue learning and developing their skills. Practice week aims to give practitioners up-to-date information about neglect and its impact delivered by experts in their field and an opportunity to reflect on specific issues in more depth. We hope this will inspire and empower people so they can play their part in addressing neglect.” – Luisa Fraser, Neglect Lead Manager (BSCP)
The webinars and workshops are available to all professionals and volunteers working with children and families in Birmingham. There are still some events with spaces left, book now to avoid disappointment!
Monday 22nd April 12:00-13:00
Using ECINS to complete GCP2 assessments & access Think Family funding
The session will teach schools how to record GCP2 assessments and measure progress using the ECINS system when supporting families under Early Help. We will also look at how schools can access additional funding via the Think Family School Incentive for Family Outcomes scheme.
Tuesday 23rd April 12:00-13:00
NSPCC Look, Say, Sing, Play campaign in Birmingham
The Look, Say, Sing, Play (LSSP) campaign aims to reduce the risk of abuse and neglect by educating parents about the importance of interacting with their babies. This session will introduce the campaign, show you how to use the tools with parents and tell you how to access free resources to use in your practice.
Wednesday 24th April 09:30-11:30
Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Refresher Workshop
This workshop will recap the core learning from GCP2 training including how to score the tool. It will also cover how to record the information gathered during the assessment, how to use this to create plans, and how to review the tool to measure progress.
Face-to-face at Ward End Fire Station.
Thursday 25th April 10:00-11:00
Tackling Neglect in the Early Years
Young children are some of the most vulnerable to neglect however intervention can be effective if offered at an early stage. We will look at the impact of neglect on young children as well as the support that is offered to families by local children’s centres to address this.
Thursday 25th April 12:00-13:00
Identifying & Responding to Neglect Pre-birth
Case reviews have shown that babies in the first few weeks of life are most vulnerable to serious harm caused by neglect. If support can be provided to a family before the baby is born this could significantly reduce the risk. We will look at the impact of neglect on babies, how to recognise the signs of neglect during the antenatal period and how to respond.
Wednesday 24th April 12:00-13:00
Using Community Resources to Tackle Neglect
Interventions for neglect are most effective when support is offered at an early stage. We will look at what support is available to families under Early Help and how to access this.
Friday 26th April 13:00-14:00
The Normalisation of Neglect – Learning from Child Protection Reviews
The final review of Serious Case Reviews found that Neglect featured in 75% of these cases, with over half aged 11-18. In this session, Professor Julie Taylor will take you through the learning from real cases to help think about your perceptions of neglect.