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Tackling Neglect in Birmingham: New training and resources for practitioners

Date: Thursday, 01st Aug 2024 | Category: Uncategorised

Neglect is the most common form of child abuse in the UK, with the NSPCC estimating that 1 in 10 children have experienced neglect. It is also the most common reason for children to be subject to a Child Protection Plan (around 50%) and has been identified as either a cause of death or a contributing factor in 75% of Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. With child poverty rates significantly above the national average, and health outcomes significantly poorer, Birmingham is a city vulnerable to increased levels of neglect.  As a partnership, we are continuing to raise awareness of, and tackle, neglect through our Neglect Strategy 2022-26.

New Neglect e-Learning

To support further learning, our newest online training on neglect is now available: Neglect Foundations e-Learning. This provides an opportunity to improve your neglect awareness and the impact in Birmingham.

In the training, you’ll learn:

  • The Signs of Neglect
  • Responding to Neglect
  • Using Neglect tools effectively

How to complete the training

The training has five individual modules, each taking around 20 minutes to complete. For the course, please save all answers before clicking submit. Once finished, simply fill in the final course evaluation to download your certificate.

We hope you find the training useful. However, if there are any troubles with access, please contact:

Neglect Practice Week Resources

In April, BSCP hosted Neglect Practice Week; a week of free webinars and workshops looking at how to help safeguard children from neglect. The sessions were available to all professionals and volunteers working with children and families in Birmingham.

You can now access all of the resources on our dedicated Neglect Practice Week webpage.


Practitioners’ Forum

The quarterly BSCP Practitioners’ Forum brings together frontline practitioners across all Birmingham agencies.

The forum is an opportunity to hear about practice, what’s good, what’s a barrier, and what support is needed, as well as a chance to discuss and test out new developments.

Our last forum focused on neglect. We heard from the NSPCC about their ‘Look, Say, Sing, Play’ campaign and Nicola Smith, from NHS Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust, spoke about preventing and addressing neglect in Birmingham. Nicola also discussed the NSPCC Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) training and the benefits for practitioners.

If you would like to become a member of the Practitioners’ Forum please email us.